I Have Laughed Everyday of My Life For 2 Years Straight!

September 5th, 2015, is the day my life changed forever, forever for the better.

Thank You Jesus for another year of love and life that has been given to my precious daughter, Naomi.

Thank you for her health.

Thank you for her smarts.

Thank you for her beauty.

Thank you for her sassiness.

Thank you for her laugh.

Thank you for her bossiness.

Thank you for her smile.

Thank you for her happiness.

Thank you Jesus for her life that was given to me. 

What Naomi makes me feel is indescribable. For 2 years straight, I have literally laughed every day of my life because of Naomi. She is my whole wide world, and every crack and crevice of it.

Happy Birthday sweet girl.

I can’t believe you’re 2 years old already! I remember the day your Dada and me brought you home. You have been the light at the end of the tunnel from the day I found out I was carrying you. May God Bless you Little Bit. The week is yours baby.



An Emotional Mom 


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