Jump Rope With Me

Hey Chile hey! So, for the pass two weeks I have consistently been working out and I absolutely love it. I have found joy in something that can help me physically after having my second child and second C-section. My core is so weak btw. Anyways, just when I thought I’d never get my groove back working out, let alone at home, I am back and I am better! My body is sore as we speak. But it feels good because I know I am doing what I am supposed to be doing and that only motivates me even more. I feel so vindicated after I finish my workouts. It feels good to be proud of myself ya know! Jumping rope has become my new thang. It is really good cardio. Shoot it is great cardio! I have taken a real liking to it for sure. I’ve looked up workouts on Pinterest and I’ve even followed a few people on Instagram who are like professionals at jumping rope. My goal is to be able to do half the thangs I’ve seen others do with a jump rope. But until then, these are two different work outs I do Monday though Friday. Let’s get it!! (Rest days are Saturday and Sunday.) When I start new workouts I will be sure to share! Smooches!!

First workout…

20 Minute Jump Rope Workout

1 minute jumping rope

15 squats

1 minute jumping rope

15 push ups

1 minute jumping rope

15 lunges

1 minute jumping rope

15 tricep dips

1 minute jumping rope

30 second plank

1 minute jumping rope

15 minute crunches

1 minute jumping rope



Second workout…


**Do each exercise for 1 minute**

Jump Rope

Mountain Climbers

Jump Rope

Mountain Climbers

30 second rest

Jump Rope

High Knees

Jump Rope

High Knees

30 second rest

Jump Rope

Squat Jumps

Jump Rope


30 second rest

Jump Rope

Kettle Bell Swings

Jump Rope

Kettle Bell Swings

30 second rest

Jump Rope

Mountain Climbers

Jump Rope

Mountain Climbers

*I also do about a 2 minute bootay workout with my resistance bands on after each workout!*

Remember! Take your time and don’t be hard on yourself. Rest if you need, whenever you need. The fact that you’re up and doing it period is half the battle.

Good luck Chile!

Also! Follow me:

Twitter: April Danielle (RLSCammies)

Instagram: aprildanielle_

Pinterest: RedLipstickandCammies

Bloglovin: April (april 829) *I’m super duper new to this!*

I’ll See You There!