Just Checking In! (my lifestyle.)

Chile it has been raining like cats and dogs here. Now, you know I love me some rain every now and then. It’s some of the best sleep weather. And you know what weather…?

I even have two rain apps on my phone that I listen to every single night unless it actually rains. Chile a rain app and a diffuser. You talking about sleeping like a baby. That’s why I like to talk to God in the shower. Because if I say my prayers when I get it bed, oh I’m definitely falling asleep on Jesus.

Its just something about the rain for me. I will crack the window just a tad bit in my bedroom when it rains. The smell, the sound. Whew Chile. Peaceful.

Now just as much as I love the rain, too much rain can make you get in your feelings just a little bit. Ya know, when you kind of like stuck in the house. We’ll you know I’m always going to do a little something to uplift my spirits and yours too!

I hope all is well in your life right now and those you love and care about. But if not, just know that God is still God Chile. Walk by faith and not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7.) Whether it’s been a bad day, week, month, or just a bad moment. Know in the times that you think that God is not working, that it when He is working the most. It’s going to be okay Chile. It will be okay. You just have to believe that. God bless.
I really like to stay organized. So journaling is a must fuh me. I also enjoy reading back on old dates on what me/family did on a random day or weekend. And yes, I am a firm believer in highlighters and cute ink pens. And yeah, Starbucks coffee.
Now, I know this here ain’t for everybody. But if I’m going to share with you what I do in my “quiet time’ I must share the fact that I will scroll Pinterest, my ‘Nail Shop’ board to see what color I’m feeling for my next nail care appointment. This may sound boring to some, I know. But if you know me you already know what it is.

**Follow me on Pinterest, AprilDanielle

You know I always say, simple pleasures are life treasures! Be thankful for the small thangs in life Chile. Don’t take it for granted. Like I’ve said before, I will thank God for something as mere as the kitchen sink to something as big as being in good health. I’m thankful for it all. Don’t forget to be grateful for the thangs we don’t think about until we no longer have them.

Stayed prayed up Chile.

Talk soon.?

Oh yeah, p.s…

**Follow me on Instagram, _aprildanni_