On the 7th Day!

Hey Chile!!!

I got these nails did Chile. (Yesterday.) Who new? Even my typing is different. (Ha-ha.)

I got them toes done and almost fell asleep. It felt so good. I would have, but I didn’t want to start snoring. I don’t know anybody else, but I have a foot bucket. I do my own feet most of the time. I get a pedicure every now and then. So, when I do, I like to enjoy it and not be rushed. You know how some folks do. Slide in and slide, and slide right on out. Feet be just as rusty and crusty leaving out as they were coming in. But Sandy, my Sandy came out with them hot coals. Chile, I had to close my eyes and lay my head back for a second. That lady be hooking ya gal up. I ain’t lying. Big ups to you  Sandy!!

So, this morning I was on the phone with my mom, and my anniversary came up! I hadn’t even thought about it honestly. I was looking forward to Mother’s Day! But yeah Chile. I reckon I turn Tamela Mann and Cardi B up while I work out hard these next few weeks. Ya know, just shed a few pounds for the anni.

I enjoy celebrating my anniversary! It’s a blessing. I’ve heard people say, it’s no biggie after a couple of years. Shooot!! For who??  If ya ask me, I feel like the longer the years, the bigger the celebration. Shoot, just like birthdays. I will turn up  at 99 (God willing.) just the same as I would at 21. Love and life is a blessing, and as long as I am willing and able, I will celebrate. I have had enough days where I have had pity parties, accompanied or not. Any reason the celebrate and cry happy tears, is a go for me. We have enough bad days ahead to not look forward too.

We a celebration around here. So, all that, it’s no big deal stuff, ya’ll can have that. The little cute things is what it’s all about. People will celebrate the heck out of each other, until they get married. Why? (I’m not saying everyone.) When you get married, it doesn’t stop. I ain’t not expert, but it shouldn’t anyways.  Shoot. I turns up for Valentine’s Day! Who already knows. Ain’t nothing like a love holiday Chile.

Life done slapped me upside my head. I don’t want to take anything or anyone for granted! Those days for me are over! I don’t want it anymore. That’s a goal every day! I ain’t perfect, but I will no longer use not being perfect as an excuse either.

I’m Just Saying…

Happy Weekend Chile!!
