I Laugh Everyday

I’m smiling so hard right now. Just knowing that this blog is about her. Β Naomi. My baby. Whoa God! I love that little girl. She is my pride and joy!

I literally laugh every single day of my life. Some mornings I may not wake up in the best moods. You know the days when you just can’t seem to get right. Or every tedious thing gets on your nerves. Ugh. I’m assuming it’s just be one of those days. Most days, if not everyday except for those every now and then days when he devil slips in and you have to fight just a little bit harder I’m a pretty much a happy camper.

Regardless of how rainy I may feel Naomi makes me laugh everyday. She is so funny. I’m not talking about the “teehees” and chuckles. I’m talking about the good laughs when your eyes water. Sometimes she does something and I’m like, wow your so smart and depending on what she did baby genius I laugh because I’m like how did you know how to do that! Hahaha. My booty butt knows she even falls out laughing at herself, which only makes me laugh harder.

Naomi is so full of spunk and personality she gives me life. I love how she’s so lovable and cuddly. Naomi loves hugs and kisses. When she is sleep she always wants you near. When it’s time for a nap, I don’t let her go until she is sound asleep. I don’t always hold her, most of the time I’m touching her hair while she lays there, or rubbing her belly. It soothes her.

  1. When Rob gets home she is just overwhelmed with excitement! I have to tell her to calm down before she hurts herself. She gets so happy! She will do this squeal that’s so loud and she will do it until she needs more air. She adores that man. Not two mentio, he’s her big play toy. Naomi can do whatever she wants to the man. Daddy’s Gal. Mommys Baby.

She’s such a doll. She is my world.

I love you sweet pea, because of you, I literally laugh every single day of my life.Β 


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