Get You Some Control

  • Mean. Rude, (Offensively impolite or ill mannered.)
  • Disrespectful, (Lack of courtesy, impolite.)
  • Malicious, (Intending or intended to do harm.)
  • Vindictive, (showing are having a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge.)
  • Irritated, (Annoyed, discomfort.) Disturbed.
  • Peeved.
  • Angry, (Having a strong feeling of being upset or annoyed.)
  • Insane.
  • Foolish.
  • Crazy.
  • Unsound.
  • Furious.
  • Discontent. 
  • Peace.
  • Joy.
  • Happiness.
  • Self-Control.
  • Self-Discipline. 
  • Sound- mind.
  • God.
  • Jesus.
  • Prayer.
  • Scriptures.
  • Humbled spirits 

Those are just a few words for what a lot of people are, and what a lot of people are not! 

“Dear God, Bless my 2017 with turn arounds. Turn my lack into plenty. Turn my confusion into clarity. Turn my test into a testimony. Lord bless my 2017 with break throughs, miracles, and change. In Jesus name. Amen!”

Some people, if someone were to ask me my opinion, I’d say, some people need to GET IT TOGETHER! Because they’re soooo sure that they have it all figured out, and they will sooner than later find themselves….BY THEIRSELVES! Straight up! Because seriously, it’s embarrassing! To see, or to hear how people actually act or react in certain situations is quite, ummmm, pathetic, yep, pathetic would be a better lack of a word for some folk! (Yes. I did leave the S off on “folk” on purpose, I reckon that’s the country in me.) 

It’s just honestly ridiculous!! It’s really ridiculous how sooooo many people lack self-control! I would be very interested in asking some people, “Do you have to reply to everything and everyone all the time? Why must you give everyone a reaction? Do you sit back and work up an ill master plan to get retiliation? Especially when YOU claim, peep the word YOU claim not to care about it, them, they, or whatever the case or place may be. Please! Find yourself! You’re pathetic. My advice to you would be for you to find yourself. You know what! Find God so He can help you find yourself! Because truthfully no one wants to deal with you and your lack of wanting to be better or do better. However, everyone around you has enough self discipline to be around you and love you, but no one likes you. Your ways, your attitude is going to cut you real short. Find Jesus! And I mean find Jesus for real! Live in it. Because no one else will tell you, but you look stupid and you’re acting stupid! You’re embarrassing and you’re ridiculous! Seriously! You know, people have REAL problems! There was 58,000 kids who were sexually abused last year! 58,000 children! That’s a REAL issue! There are 43 kids who are diagnosed with cancer a day! REAL issues!!!! Now I’m not discrediting your life issues! Or what you may or may not have been through. But guess what. We all have a sad story. Man up!!!!! You wether dwell on this, that, and the third and now you look and act irate because pass people and problems are hunting you and you take it out on the wrong people. So guess what! Now you are just like the people who have hurt you! Hurt people hurt people for no rational reason at all! That’s you! So now what!? Huh???!! You’re always looking for a fight at some point during your day. Harness that aggression and move on! Because people are so over you and your maze of bull crap! People have REAL life crisis going on. Some peoples lives are literally spiraling down right before their eyes. But you’re more concerned about what he, she, or they think! *Hahaha* You’re hilarious! (Please don’t take that literally.) Go right on ahead with your angry antics! You look ill! The devil has you in a vice grip and you rather keep entertaining it. Oh, yeah. NOTHING!!! Is never your fault right? I was just asking! 

Go somewhere! Anywhere! God does not care where you meet Him. Pray! Yes! It may sound corny or cliche, but you need it! PRAYER!!!! Be reasonable for once in ya life. Be rational for a change! No one wants to hear that rah-rah, tah-tah mess every other day, or even once a week. It’s toooo much! *Alert* *Alert* *Positive Vibes Only*

Ya know. I am truly happy. God has been good to me. NO! Things may not always be right. I get frustrated. I cry. I feel sad at times. I want more for myself. I want more out of this life! But I always find the GOOD & GOD in every situation! Because despite it all. I always know that things could be worse! A lot of people say that, but they ain’t living it. (Yes, I said ain’t!) I have been alone, I have been broken, and God knows I’ve had people who have TURNED on me!! But I am grateful! And I don’t dwell on people, places, or things that do not add happiness to my life. And when you’re happy, like happy for real, you don’t get upset about everything and every situation! You don’t assume this and that! You don’t turn something minor into something major! You don’t talk about things more than you pray about them! You don’t bring things up continuously when that’s not even the topic of discussion in the first place! You don’t react on everything all the time! You just don’t! If I spoke my mind about everything that someone says or does to me I would be arguing, fussing, fighting ALL DAY, EVERYDAY! That’s you! But you’re happy right? Life is great right? Well, ummmm you have a fine way of showing it! 

Do I wake up on the wrong side of the bed some mornings? Duuuuuhhh! But see the difference between you and me is I take adult, self-discipline procautions to not be like YOU or the old me! Why would you want to be that person. Just like crack is wack! So are you! Learn something from yourself! Grow up!! I refuse to be in a frazzle all day! I have a daughter to raise and love up on. I have to have patience! And when you’re a pessimistic, Debbie downer you do not have patience! I refuse to be cruel around my baby. She doesn’t want to hear the same mess either. So I grew up! I became a parent, which made me a rational THINKING adult! I have a husband I have to take care of and love up on. I do not have time for the foolishness. *Your attitude is everything* 10 percent is what happens, but 90 percent is how you react to it* 

Stop being so pathetic 90 percent of the time! Gosh!

Some folks kids are angry because their parents are angry! I mean what do you expect?? Don’t let me get on some of you Grandmas! Ooooo gosh! Now look, I’m just gonna say this, and you can take it with a lemon or a lime! But you need to sit down somewhere! Sit your bitter self down, because you sure ain’t sweet! GOOD PEOPLE HAVE INTEGRITY. *Read in between the lines* You’re suppose to be the foundation of the family, but instead you’re tearing the foundation down! SIT DOWN SOMEWHERE! And do us all a favor and find God because you’re acting like the devil. I reckon you work for him part time huh? BYE! I’m through with you! I’m not spending anymore time on you, because you should know better!!!!!!

In all honesty, if you want me to tell you the truth, Rob, my husband is the only person that can ruffle my feathers. And I’m very sure it’s because it’s soooo many and soooo much emotions there. I care how he feels about me. I care what he thinks about me. You see I said, I care about what he thinks about me! NOT everyone deserves those feelings! Meaning, I don’t care enough to put energy into other people. Rob is not an arguer. Which I really appreciate. I’m more like Friday. Robs more, ummmmm like Sunday. Cool, calm, and collected. So basically what I’m trying to say is I’m more so the fire ball in our relationship! BUT!!!!!!! I respect my man honey! Yes I do!!!! I might be, “hotter than fish grease, hotter than a heater.” But in those moments of petty arguments I refuse to disrespect my husband. First and foremost because he does not disrespect or bad mouth me!!!! And once again, I appreciate that! When you’re mad you tend to say things that should not be said! And sorry CAN NOT take what you said back! Yes!!!! Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can hurt me (too.) Be very mindful of that when you talking side ways to someone you CLAIM you LOVE!! Get you some self-control!!! You know what’s soooooo unattractive is a woman who speaks to her man any ole type of way! You know how sickening it is when a man talks to his woman in a disrespectful manner? Well what’s the difference in the woman doing it? I’ll wait! It’s classless and distasteful! *YUCK* And the messed up part about it all is if he talked to you like that, you wouldn’t stand for it. Sooooo tell me why he should put up with your lack of respect and your worthless love! Because to me!!! It all falls hand in hand! It’s soooo degrading! And you should be embarrassed. My advice to your man would be the same advice I’d give to you if the shoe was on the other foot. IF YOU DON’T SEE CHANGE, I SUGGEST YOU GET THE STEPPING, SIR, MR!!! And I’m soooo serious! A nasty mouth woman is like a person not whipping their tail after they use the bathroom!! *Clean yourself up*

God forbid if she doesn’t have any self-awareness! (And most likely you don’t talking to your man like that.) Self awareness….ya know, the thing where you can always point out someone else’s flaws, but you have none!!! *Hahaha* You’re a joke!!

I honestly feel like a lot of people react and entertain the pettiness and childishnsss because they don’t want to appear as a push over or a punk! Being the bigger person makes you look like the little person right? Well, in my eyes and in my reality being the “little person” makes you the stronger person! *Self-Control* It takes a hell of a person to be able to turn the other cheek in circumstances of strife. Everything doesn’t deserve and comment! Well I’m just gonna head on out with this conversation, even writing it is a bore because for some of you it’s like beating a dead horse! You’ll never change, but you expect everyone around you too. I don’t even feel like putting anymore energy into this conversation. It’s draining! My best advice to you at this point would be to look forward and stop lurking around in your rearview mirror. Only a fool walks and looks behind him. You’re going to cut yourself short of people with your dragging attitude and same mentality! It’s time FOR YOU TO STEP UP AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS. Don’t ever get too comfortable in thinking that you won’t find yourself by yourself. One day you may look up and only have your enemies for friends.l!

I’m Just Saying…