I’m Just Gonna Leave This Here

Change is a beautiful thing. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. It’s rejuvenating, a refreshing feeling and it is nothing like it at all. To be able to wake up feeling like you can conquer the world, even when the weight of the world tries to get comfortable on your shoulders. As an adult, there is always something going on. It doesn’t even have to be something major. It can be something as simple as doing four loads of laundry and being tired as a parent. But do you complain about it? Or do you have fun with it? Naomi and me jam out to music when it comes to laundry day, and because she is so high in spirit, she just lifts mines even more. The FIRST thing I do in the morning is pray. I have actually been on a serious prayer kick lately and I honestly feel so good. (I do, however need to read my Bible more.) For the last few weeks I’ve been energized and ready. Even with the stress of moving to a whole different state, and never have done it before as far as a wife and mom, (I’m so clueless to this military move.) I get up and I say, Thank you Jesus, I know you will make a way out of no way as usual. I pray for my husband and his well being and productivity during his work day. I pray for y daughters safety, happiness, and health amongst others things. I pray for what I want and expect out of the day, and even if something slips up on in I will remain leveled headed, make the right protocols to keep pushing throughout my day with joy in my heart and peace in my mind. Naomi see this, and I am proud of me for it, because I want her to know that God is always the go to in good times and bad.

I am just soooo excited about life and the growth and change I see in me in it. Life is too short to find the wrong in everything. And worry about the, what ifs. What if you just changed, and was happy. Change is uncomfortable at first, and God knows it is not easy. But, to me, if you want something bad enough, you will have it.

So, change. Change is what I am. And I am adamant about continuing it. Self peace is major key. When you have genuine joy in your heart, you see things different. You don’t make minor things major. I have a Princess that will be a Queen one day, and I want her to always look at me and be proud. Proud of my efforts, my wrongs that I right by showing actions in my change, not just verbally saying it. I want her to know that I am the same woman that I install in her. I don’t want to ever be half the woman that I want my very own daughter to be. I take pride by leading by example and not just verbally preaching something I can’t even be myself. I don’t want to ever tell her to better than me, I want us to be the best together! I want us to be better then good. I want us to be great, together.

I know that life happens to us, which makes us who we we’re in a sense. I  But as long as I am a mother to my baby and future babies, I will always be, change. Each day I put in work to be better, to do better. I yearn for it. I pray for it, because our babies are always watching. And when I say babies, I mean literally and figuratively. Naomi will always be my baby. And I always want to make her proud, always.

Change is so hard for so many people for so many wrong reasons. Now! I am not saying that change is easy, because it is not. It uncomfortable. But the excuses you make to not change will further drown you.

To come into contact with change you have to be bold, and not sorry for the people you drop off on the way to your greatness. Because the truth about it all is, you will have to leave some people behind, and no one, no one, can be the exception to the rule. We as people sometimes loose focus on what really should mean something to us, which is, you, yourself. Most of us as people are so consumed with things and people who have nothing at all to do with us. We are too busy and focused on how to out do each other and keeping up with the things that is supposed to be kept up with, money, looks, social media, the latest trends, etc. DO YOUR  OWN THING!!! Don’t allow your self worth to be what other people think of you! Like I said before, you will never be whole worrying about what someone else says or thinks about you. Forget what people say, forget what they think. People’s opinions of you hold no value unless you allow it too. If we focused on us, the way we focus on what other people think of us, my God. Life would be much more pleasant for a lot of people. Half the effort that some people put into their selves is based on what someone else would think of them if they didn’t.

Most people feel as if they only exist in this world, and that is probably because they have lived not being them, but being what others expect of them. “But you will never shine sitting on someone else’s sun.” To actually live is foreign for so many people. And happiness is almost rare. People aren’t as much concerned about the inside of them, but more so the outward appearance of themselves. People will walk around looking like a bag of money, while they feel like doo-doo on the inside. Which person are you?

I really think if people got rid of the mess in their lives, they could be any and everything that they’ve ever wanted to be. Do you only believe in you because someone else believes in you? Don’t allow what people think about you, to define you. Believe in yourself. You! You! Believe in yourself!!! Just because someone else says that you can’t, doesn’t mean that that is so! Go out here and reach your full potential!  Regardless to what he, she, or they think. Don’t look to your left or your right. Look forward and do you boo! This is YOUR life. Stop living for other people! Stop explaining yourself to other people. Stop trying to keep up with other people.  WHATVER OR WHOEVER IS NOT LINING UP WITH YOUR PEACE, THEN GOOD RIDANCE. Life is too short to keep explaining yourself to people, trying to get people to understand where your coming from because you yearn for change. Complacent is my enemy! And truth be told, I rather not be around complacent people. Can we say, dead weight!Don’t allow people to hold you hostage because you love them. Because you know what? If they loved you the same as you loved them they would understand your desperateness for growth. Dealing with some people is like trying to hold water in the palms of your hands. It will not work!

Real quick….

You know one thing that I have learned about change? Is that people will tell you when you need to change, (while they remain the same.) but when you do, it’s like dog on if I do, dog on if I don’t.

For example, it’s like a crackhead wanting to stop doing crack, but still deals with crackheads. Not healthy in my opinion. I’ve heard many stories about people changing in one way or the other, but still get bashed for who they are now. But, you know what I think about that, I think that the people who talk about change and don’t do it are intimated by those who talk the talk and walk the walk too. When someone changes and you can see that they’re different, they sound different, heck they even look different, what does anything else have to do with then, when you can see the change in now?!

Positive change deserves some type of congratulations. It’s like when someone didn’t change, people would have a mouthful of scrutiny. Sooo why can’t they get a mouthful of change. Only those who are talkers will envy your growth, because they can’t do what you did, and are doing, and that is enough for them to envy you to the core of their being. You intimidate them, and they don’t like themselves, so they can’t like you.

I’m Just Saying….