The Day After Christmas

First thing first! I ate toooooo much! Waaaaaaaay toooo much! I woke up this morning feeling like a log. I’m so heavy and bloated. The food was soooo delish! *Prepared and made by me, Husband did do the angel eggs (devil eggs) for those who don’t know. I prefer to say angel eggs!  Anywho, I kept telling myself, “Oh it’s Christmas, it’s the holidays, what the heck.” And being that I also worked out in the mist of the fun madness, I really took it toooooo far. Oh gosh! I just feel weighted down! *Sigh* So I am literally in the making of drinking some detox tea! Which happens to actually work! Thank God! *Shouting hands*

So! I pray everyone had a very very blessed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I hope there was plenty of family and friends. Plenty of smiles and laughter. And of course plenty of food!

Rob and Naomi are some sleep in folks! I had to wake them up! I’m like, it’s Christmas morning, let’s make some moves! *Like father, like daughter* Truth be told I know Rob will take any moment to get a moment in time to sleep in! BUT! Where does Naomi work at again. *Hilarious* It’s hard being a toddler these days I reckon! *Teehee* I had to wake them both up! And they both gave me the same facial expression. It would have been noon before they got up. I always get up before then. Well except when Rob has to work, so yeah, nevermind. But, you know what I’m saying.

I got Naomi up, took off her Christmas Eve pj’s and put on her Christmas Day pjs and gave her a cookie. *Hahahaha* Yep! I sure did. Now, for those who know me are probably like, “April! Yoooouuuu gave Naomi a cookie for breakfast?!” Yes I did, it’s Christmas! Naomi soaked it all up too! *Cuteness overload* Naomi had soooo many gifts from family and friends. No one left her out, even though we’re many miles from home. *I appreciate that* Of course she preferred the boxes and paper over the gifts, but ummmmm it all worked out. *Hahahaha* Out of all her toys, she really enjoyed the baby stroller my momma got her. *Nana came through* Naomi man handled that stroller all over the house all day. Just know if I pushed her around the way she was pushing that stroller around, I would definitely be an unfit mommy!!! *Rams strolled into the wall* She’s still oblivious to the whole Christmas occasion. Before it was all over with, Naomi was playing with all her old toys, while the new ones just set there ready to be occupied. Eventually she got tired of the toys and just played with Rob and on Rob. So see! There ya go! *Merry Christmas, smiles*

That’s what it’s all about though. EACH OTHER! Now, I have a HUGE family, Christmas at Grandmothers house is a lot of fun and action. So to spend Christmas with my own little minne family is a little bit more settled and different. This was my first year cooking my husband and daughter Christmas dinner! *How exciting* Usually we’re with our families on holidays, so someone else is cooking. I know for sure my mommy is! So I end up getting spoiled and relaxing during the holidays. But not this year. And I was super duper  excited. *And yes, I know how to cook!*I started cooking most of the food on Christmas Eve, ya know so on Christmas I wouldn’t be in the kitchen all day missing out on the fun! I turned on my Jackson 5 Christmas album and ba-bam! I got into it with the pots and pans. I love to fix Rob his plate and see him enjoy the food that I prepared. *Blushes*

Naomi did her thing all day, in between her naps. Rob and me watched a movie together once while Naomi napped. Of course we tuned into all the games that came on!! *Duuuh* Yeah, I have become a slight ESPN fan since I’ve been married, haha, what do ya know. Before it was all over with I was in my Craft Corner doing crafts. Naomi and Rob came and checked on me from time to time. Other than that they were off doing their own thing with each other. It’s no telling with them. I just heard a lot of laughing and yelling. *Those two* Our Christmas was very laid back and cozy. Some friends, that are more the family came over and we played this jellybean game. *I still can’t get pass that dog food, yuck, gag!*

Naomi ended up passing out in our bed last night as if she did all the wrapping of presents and cooking etc. My precious booty butt! I just love her. She enjoyed all the food! She ate all day yesterday. Mmm….I want to say the mac n cheese and stuffings was her favorite. Me, myself…I put a hurting on those collard greens! *Yaasssss!* Those collards were hitting! Naomi enjoyed them too, I think the texture kind of got her though. I could literally just eat a bowl of collards. Shoot, that’s exactly what I need to do for the next month! Until I feel like myself again! *Miserable, exhales.*

I’m so thankful and just so humbled that God gave me gifts that are special to me EVERYDAY, not just on Christmas Day! My daughter and my husband. We held it down in Cleveland yesterday for Christmas, but mostly we held each other down. Traveling the world and being away from family can be unfun sometimes. *Is that even technically a word?* But we have learned how to make our own memories, with each other!  And sharing them with people who may not have the same blood, but with people who are just as much as family without it. Thank you Bree for you and your families love. It means so so so much! 

Another blessed holiday for the books. *Scrapbook coming soon!*

When you start focusing on the right things in life, you’ll learn quickly, that it isn’t what you have in your life, but it’s who you have in your life that really really matters!

I’m Just Saying….